
The Empty (Virtual) Space

Like many theater artists, I’m finding myself at loose ends, with a project more or less dissolving in my hands, getting less likely with each news break. Future projects are getting less certain as well. I’m trying to look on the sunny side; while I’m mourning the projects that might not happen or might be […]


Hairspray at Harrisonburg High School

When my local high school announced it was slating Hairspray as its spring musical, I was terribly skeptical. Although the school, like the city, is extremely diverse, I had only rarely seen a non-white kid in their productions. At that school, as at many schools, theater is for white kids. Ken Gibson, the theater teacher […]


Announcement: As You Like It

People I hardly know have started coming up to me and saying, “So, I hear you’re doing As You Like It at Harrisonburg High School next year,” which I guess means I can announce it! I’m excited to work with HHS students on their spring show. I’ve had a few eye rolls from snotty people […]