“This production stood out, not just amongst other productions of the same play, but in the hundreds of Shakespeare productions that I have attended…[the cast] took the language of Shakespeare and fit it like a puzzle pieces into the cadence of our modern speech in a way that I have not seen before. The way [they] bounced off each other as though the conversation was happening right then— obviously, as an actor that is [their] job, but this was something different.”—Merry Wives of Windsor, Quill Theatre

“Congratulations to Aili Huber and The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company for a fantastic, thought-provoking production of Measure for Measure. Chaz Albright brings an amazing energy to Isabella, allowing for some masculine rage and shock at the sexual harassment of his character, which really spoke to how contemporary men should react to such circumstances. I tell my students that ‘we bring meaning to Shakespeare’ and there is so much meaning given to one of my favorite plays here; it was wonderful to witness.”—Measure for Measure, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company

“I haven’t seen this play before, but wow, Richard is a dick.”—Richard III, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare

“This was the best Romeo and Juliet I ever saw. I always feel like this after a Pigeon Creek production.”—Romeo and Juliet, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company

“When I feel sad I think of Kate and Kimi casually eating strawberries in the middle of Richard III. Which was a fantastic production btw, I keep meaning to tell you but I always get distracted. I’ll never forget how the banners came full circle at the end, that made an already awesome scene so much more memorable.”—Richard III, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company

“Playing up the comedy in the first two acts made the intensity of the play after intermission that much deeper.”—Romeo and Juliet, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare