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Romeo and Juliet at Starling Shakespeare

Alumni of the Shakespeare and Performance graduate program at the American Shakespeare Center have founded or taken on the leadership of, a number of classical theater companies, drawing on the ASC’s scholarship and aesthetic, but with their own unique twist. Just off the top of my head: Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival (Arizona), Pigeon Creek Shakespeare (Michigan), […]


Favorite Lines

In a recent alumni survey, my grad school asked, “What’s your favorite line from Shakespeare?” I was stumped. I don’t think I have one. Everyone else does, I’m sure, and I even know what many of my friends’ favs are. But I am completely at a loss. I do have a favorite line in each […]


Juliet in a box

One of my favorite things that happened on my recent Shakespeare Roadtrip ™ was that I stayed with Bridget, an actor who was in Duchess (2016), as well as this summer’s Much Ado remount. Bridget has done well for herself, working consistently at ever more prominent theaters and in better and better roles. She’s been auditioning and touring regularly. […]

Guiding Principles

Last spring, while on tour at King University in Tennessee, with Pigeon Creek Shakespeare, Katherine snapped (and subsequently facebooked) a sign in their greenroom that said, “Pursue your goals. Pick up your cues. Tell the story.” I joked that I need that on my tombstone, so I can direct from beyond. When he was directing […]


Romeo and Juliet

In rehearsal the other night, Sean Kelley, who had been Romeo in my 2012 Romeo and Juliet at Pigeon Creek Shakespeare, pulled out his phone and started showing me pictures of my play that I had never seen before. Pigeon Creek remounted my production in 2014 to perform at The Rose, a reproduction Elizabethan theater at […]