

It might seem like I’ve been quiet over here, but it’s because I have been going all over the place filling up on plays. After the Long Intermission, I am saying “Yes, and!” to any play I can reasonably manage to get to. Between October 15 and November 13, I saw twelve plays (14 if […]


So You Want to Take Your Kid to See A Play…

Why Theater? I have this theory that if your kids get into theater, they’ll be too busy to cause much trouble. One of the best ways to get them into theater is to take them to see it. People ask me sometimes how I managed to train my kids to be such good theater-goers. To […]


Much Ado About Shakespeare

All images are by Lindsey Walters, Miscellaneous Media Photography. I was lucky enough to direct Much Ado About Nothing at the American Shakespeare Center Theater Camp this summer. I had a great time! Some things about it were sort of weird, just because I’m in a very different life stage from everyone else involved (I’m a good […]