Guiding Principles

Last spring, while on tour at King University in Tennessee, with Pigeon Creek Shakespeare, Katherine snapped (and subsequently facebooked) a sign in their greenroom that said, “Pursue your goals. Pick up your cues. Tell the story.” I joked that I need that on my tombstone, so I can direct from beyond. When he was directing […]


So Here We Are

Last night, when the first inklings that this might not go so well began to roll in, I turned off my phone and went back to reading Between The World and Me. This should be required reading for every person in our country. Every high school and college should require this book. Everyone should read it […]


Within the House Is Jove

Recently, a friend was in an accident. It was one of those situations where a split second was the difference between serious injury or death, and a painful, but remediable, injury. Luckily, the timing went the latter direction. She’s injured, but she’ll be back to normal at more or less the moment she gets used […]


Sunflowers for Hope

Today, Petra and I went to the most amazing event. On Rt. 33, east of Harrisonburg, Bibb and Dolly Frazier (who own the Frazier Quarry) have planted acres and acres of sunflowers. For one day only, they opened their gates and invited the community to come pick as many as we wanted. They did this to […]


Trillil, My Hearts!

It’s pancake day, my friends. And that always makes me remember one of the best nights of my life. When I was in grad school, for complicated reasons, I moved my thesis project up by a semester. As a result, I was one of the first (maybe the first?) from my cohort to present my […]


What (This) Director Does

Since I returned from Michigan, I’ve been thinking a lot about what my role is as a director. This is a sign of a good production—it’s making me grow as an artist and reconsider what I value. I’m also reminded, by some of the things that happened there, of the ways that my work is appreciably […]


Dance Like No One’s Watching

Last winter, I started taking a ballet class. I’ve been wanting to do it for a long time—since I’m a theater director, expanding my movement vocabulary is an important way to keep developing in my art. Also, many of my favorite actors have a classical dance background, and I wanted to learn more about how […]


Directing is Great Preparation for Toddler Parenting

I’ve been thinking for a while about how everyone who sees me with my kids has exactly the same comment, which is that I don’t ever flip out at them or let them control my emotions. It’s a comment, of course, that reflects what I’m presenting to the outside world, rather than what’s going on in […]


Dia de los Muertos

Our church, like many churches, celebrates All Saint’s Day on the Sunday after Halloween, and so that is what we did last Sunday. The church I used to attend doesn’t practice a strong liturgical calendar, and, although I understand why, I also find power and meaning in the wheel of the year. I like that […]