
STA 2020: Be Bold and Resolute, Ya’ll

After years of trying to make it work, I finally went to the Shakespeare Theater Association conference. It was fantastic. I am so glad I finally went! Shakespeare Dallas hosted the conference. I hadn’t been to Dallas before—and had only been to Texas one other time. We mostly were inside the conference hotel, but we […]


Rejected Taglines

I’m learning about Branding. It is one of those things for which I have no natural gifts, but it’s important and necessary in this industry. One element of branding is to come up with some quick phrase that tells people a whole lot about who you are and what you are trying to accomplish in […]


The Geography of Yearning

I had a great time this semester, directing On the Verge, or: The Geography of Yearning, by Eric Overmeyer, for York College Theater. The story is about three Victorian “lady explorers” who go on a trek together into “Terra Incognita,” and are surprised to discover that they are adventuring through time, as well as space. […]


The Tempest at Synetic Theater

The first time a friend invited me to see a show at Synetic, I rolled my eyes, but went along. I’ve seen some of my favorite shows by saying yes to invitations I didn’t think I was interested in. This was no exception. The show was Romeo and Juliet, which I had just finished directing […]


To You, Whoever You Are

I keep thinking about an episode of the Backstory podcast, where they talked about Walt Whitman. One of the historians they interviewed, Robert Shultz, described how Whitman destroyed his health during the war by working long hours in the hospital, caring for wounded soldiers. He read them letters from their families, he dressed their wounds, […]


Everybody at Albright College Theater

It seems like Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’ Everybody is the play of the year. Theater people will know what I’m talking about–if you are in that world, every year, there’s some play that everyone you know is doing. Last year, it was The Wolves, Men in Boats, and, oddly enough, The Seagull. Nobody seems to know why […]


Book Report: Ms. Directing Shakespeare

Ms. Directing Shakespeare, by Elizabeth Schafer was an interesting read, a scholarly project of interviews with British women who were directing in professional theaters. Because time keeps moving and the world is changing, I’d like to start by noting that this book was published over 20 years ago, in 1998. That said, while a good […]


Antony and Cleopatra at the Rose

In August, we went back to Michigan for ten days to remount Antony and Cleopatra. People often ask me what this means, so here’s the general idea: A remount is when you get the band back together to do a production again. Often, some cast members aren’t available to return, so you sub in other […]